M&U Motors And IPDC Finance Sign Exclusive Auto Loan Agreement

In a landmark collaboration, M&U Motors Limited, renowned as the exclusive authorized distributor of Ford vehicles in the country, has teamed up with IPDC Finance Limited to launch an exclusive auto loan facility for customers. The agreement, signed on August 14, 2023, ushers in a new era of convenience and affordability for those aspiring to own a Ford vehicle. If you want to see Ford car details you check our Ford Car Price in BD article.

M&U Motors And IPDC Finance Sign Exclusive Auto Loan Agreement

As the curtain rises on this innovative collaboration, prospective Ford owners are presented with an enticing opportunity to access exclusive auto loan facilities, making their desire to own a Ford vehicle more attainable than ever. The combined expertise of M&U Motors Limited and IPDC Finance Limited creates a smoother, more accessible and customer-centric path to Ford ownership. For all car details please visit Car Price in Bangladesh page.

Key highlights of this partnership include:

IPDC Auto Loan:
Unlocking the easiest path to Ford ownership and customers can now embark on the journey of owning a Ford car with unprecedented ease. M&U Motors Limited, in collaboration with IPDC Finance Limited, presents hassle-free auto loan processing through IPDC Auto Loans. This initiative simplifies the financing process, enabling potential buyers to navigate through it seamlessly and make their dream of owning a Ford a reality.

M&U Motors and IPDC Finance sign exclusive auto loan agreement

Attractive interest rates: 
This collaboration introduced competitive interest rates that revolutionized the affordability of Ford vehicles. Led by M&U Motors Limited and IPDC Finance Limited, customers can experience purchasing power like never before. Attractive interest rates offer an affordable solution for those looking for quality and value in their automotive investment.

Personalized support every step of the way:
IPDC Finance Limited’s commitment to exceptional customer service shines through the partnership. Dedicated relationship managers from IPDC will be readily available to guide customers throughout the purchase and financing process. This personalized support ensures that customers are well-informed, empowered, and confident in their decisions, solidifying their path to Ford vehicle ownership.

Sabbir Hossain
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