ACI & Foton motor come with a new offer 2022

Hot offer this winter! ACI and Foton motor come with a new offer. Now you get an attractive jacket by booking a Foton car. So, what are you waiting for? Get a car jacket free with your preferred Foton booking today.

The offer is valid till November 30.

ACI & Foton Motor Come With A New Offer

ACI Motors is the sole distributor of Foton’s official trucks and pickups in Bangladesh. ACI Motors was launched in 2007, to propagate a systemic change in the agricultural sector through increased mechanization of the agricultural process. If you want to see Foton car details you can check our Foton Car Price in Bangladesh article or for all brand car check the Car Price in Bangladesh article.

To fulfill this vision, ACI Motors is striving to provide a “Complete Farm Mechanization Solution” to farmers by offering a wide range of agriculture machinery – Tractors, Power tillers, reapers, Mini Combine Harvesters, Rice Transplanted, etc.

Covering the full cycle from land preparation and cultivation to crop preservation. ACI Motors entered the Construction Equipment Industry of Bangladesh in 2014 introducing CASE Construction Equipment. ACI Motors also became the distributor of the world-famous YAMAHA Motorcycles in Bangladesh in 2016.

Wasim Mahmud
Wasim Mahmud

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