Runner Motors Limited Launched Some Commercial Vehicles in Bangladesh

Runner Motors Limited has launched several commercial vehicles in the “Eicher Pro 2000 and 6000” series. The vehicle was formally unveiled at a press conference on Thursday, October 19, at the International Convention Center in Bashundhara, Dhaka.

Runner Motors Limited Launched Some Commercial Vehicles in Bangladesh

During the grand event, Hafizur Rahman Khan, Honorable Chairman of Reputed Runner Group, and Shantanu Srivastava, Regional Head, Bangladesh, South Asia, and ASEAN Countries, Volvo Aisha Commercial Vehicles inaugurated the event as Chief Guests.

Vice Chairman of the Runner Group, Mozammel Hossain, and other senior officials from the Runner were also present. If you want to see Eicher Truck details you can check our Eicher Truck Price in BD page.

Feroz Kabir, senior general manager of Runner Motors, went on stage to give a wide role in the newly opened vehicle. In his inaugural address, he expressed the details of each model vehicle.

Mr. Kabir expressed his enthusiasm that Runner Motors was ready to make a significant contribution to the country’s economy and to make a revolutionary transformation in the transport sector. For all brand trucks check the Truck Price in Bangladesh page.

Hafizur Rahman Khan, the honorable chairman of the runner group, said, “Today we have started with these two notable series vehicles in the transport sector, which will play a vital role in increasing economic growth and improving our country’s overall transport and communication sector.

Sabbir Hossain
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