Nitol Motors Has Come Up With Great Offers On Baisakh

Nitol Motors has come up with a stormy offer for this Baisakh. On the occasion of Bengali New Year, the country’s most fuel-efficient pickup is getting huge cashback. If you want to see Tata car details you can check our Tata Car Price in Bangladesh article or for all brand car check the Car Price in Bangladesh article.

Nitol Motors Has Come Up With Great Offers On Baisakh

So if you buy ACE EX2, you get cashback from Tk 80,000 to Tk 1,80,000. Get the keys to the country’s most popular pickup with a deposit of only Tk 1,00,000++. Besides, you get a LED TV as a gift with a certain down payment. This offer is valid till 30th April

The salient features of ACE EX2 are-

1) Best Mileage
2) Improved load body
3) Radial tires
4) TATA 275IDI diesel engine
5) GBS 65-5/5.27 Gear Box

Also, Nitol Motors gives you the highest guarantee of service and spare parts.

Sabbir Hossain
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