Mitsubishi Motors Is All Set To Open A Grand Showroom In Chattogram

On February 19, Mitsubishi Motors is ready to open its grand showroom in Chattogram, Bangladesh. Located at 1 Shahid Abdul Halim Road, GEC Circle, Chattogram. If you want to see Mitsubishi car details you can check our Mitsubishi Car Price in Bangladesh article or for all brand car check the Car Price in Bangladesh article.

Mitsubishi Motors Is All Set To Open A Grand Showroom In Chattogram

It will be the newest addition to the Mitsubishi universe and one of Bangladesh’s most modern and advanced car showrooms. So don’t miss the opportunity to witness the glory of Mitsubishi Universe and be a part of the grand opening!

Rangs Limited is the sole Distributor of Mitsubishi Motors in Bangladesh. At the Mitsubishi Motors Bangladesh Grand Showroom in Chattogram, customers can expect all types of automotive solutions, from buying a new car to servicing their existing vehicle and getting genuine spare parts under one roof. Customers can even get expert advice on various matters related to car purchase or maintenance from qualified staff at the showroom.

The grand opening of the Mitsubishi Motors Bangladesh Grand Showroom in Chattogram is a major milestone for the company and promises to be an unforgettable experience for those who attend. With its unique design elements and advanced technology, it will become a prime destination for those looking for top-notch automotive solutions. Don’t miss this opportunity to witness the glory of the Mitsubishi Universe!

This grand opening marks an exciting milestone for Mitsubishi Motors Bangladesh. It promises to be a unique experience for all car enthusiasts, so get ready to witness the glory of the Mitsubishi Universe in Chattogram on February 19.

Sabbir Hossain
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