Haval’s 6th Global Service Campaign Begins

Great opportunities await Haval customers as Haval Bangladesh has already announced the 6th Global Service Campaign. It promises great benefits, which ensure that Haval owners across the country experience the best service and satisfaction.

Haval's 6th Global Service Campaign Begins

Ace Autos is the sole distributor of Haval in Bangladesh. Keeping in mind the customers, they are making every effort to provide various benefits on time. If you want to see Haval car details you can check our Haval Car Price in BD article.

Haval is always working to maintain your continued support and trust, so they want to make sure you get the best service possible. This is why Haval Bangladesh invites you to join the 6th Global Service Campaign from 3rd October to 3rd November 2023. For all brand car check the Car Price in Bangladesh article.

Haval dedicated team will be ready to serve you best during this special campaign. This campaign is organized in a way that will help ensure that your vehicle is in excellent condition. It will work to give you the highest level of satisfaction and peace of mind regarding the performance and reliability of your beloved vehicle.

So, you are encouraged to mark your calendars during the campaign period and get ready to enjoy exceptional service from Haval Bangladesh.

Sabbir Hossain
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