Great Offers On Mitsubishi Cars For GP Star Platinum Plus And Platinum Customers

Grameenphone is excited to announce a partnership with Mitsubishi. Mitsubishi’s amazing cars will now be available at exclusive prices for GP Star Platinum and Platinum Plus customers only. If you want to see Mitsubishi car details you can check our Mitsubishi Car Price in Bangladesh article or for all brand cars check the Car Price in BD page.

Great Offers On Mitsubishi Cars For GP Star Platinum Plus And Platinum Customers

Rangs Limited is the sole Distributor of Mitsubishi Motors Corporation in Bangladesh. Rango’s Workshop Ltd has amazing discounts on servicing and genuine Mitsubishi parts.

Mitsubishi cars are popular in Bangladesh because they offer excellent value for the money. Additionally, Mitsubishi offers a wide range of models and colors.

Mitsubishi is known for its innovative and bold car designs. It allows you to reach your goals in a unique way, which you deserve. Drive your ambitions with Mitsubishi’s innovative and adventurous designs.

GP Star Platinum Plus and Platinum customers will enjoy exclusive price discounts on selected cars, including up to 15% off all servicing and genuine Mitsubishi spare parts from Rang’s Workshop.

If you are a GP Star Platinum and Platinum Plus customer then avail of this discount without delay.

Sabbir Hossain
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