Executive Motors Has Partnered Up With SFIL To Present To You An Amazing Auto Loan Scheme

Executive Motors Limited (EML) is the sole importer of BMW automobiles in Bangladesh. They are committed to providing the best customer experience to the customers and working to provide the best quality and service to the customers. If you want to see BMW car details you can check our  BMW car price in Bangladesh article or for all brand car check the Car Price in Bangladesh article. 

Executive Motors Has Partnered-Up With SFIL To Present To You An Amazing Auto Loan Scheme

Executive Motors has partnered with Strategic Finance and Investments Limited (SFIL) with the aim of offering an amazing auto loan scheme to customers. This partnership can provide car financing offers to valued customers. 

SFIL is a financial institution that provides various quality services to customers. Their team of experienced professionals will work closely with Executive Motors to provide a variety of financing facilities.

Under this partnership, SFIL will finance customers. so you too can bring home your own X1 to take advantage of this deal, you can get up to 85% loan coverage with an introductory rate of 9.25% interest over a 6-year. This offer is valid for December 2022 only! So don’t wait any longer, come and enjoy this amazing offer.

Wasim Mahmud
Wasim Mahmud

Hello, I'm Wasim Mahmud, the SEO & CTO at PriyoGari.com. With a wealth of experience in the field of Search Engine Optimization and a strong background in WordPress and WooCommerce, I am dedicated to driving organic traffic and enhancing the online visibility of PriyoGari.com.

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