DFSK Bangladesh To Showcase Exciting Innovations at “Marinetech Bangladesh” Exhibition

DFSK Bangladesh, the renowned automobile manufacturer, is all set to make a grand appearance at the highly anticipated “Marinetech Bangladesh” exhibition, which is being presented by the Chittagong Port Authority. If you want to see DFSK car details you can check our DFSK Car Price in Bangladesh article.

The event promises to be a celebration of technological advancements in the marine industry and is scheduled to take place at the prestigious International Convention City Bashundhara (ICCB) in Kuril, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

The “Marinetech Bangladesh” exhibition aims to bring together industry leaders, stakeholders, and technology enthusiasts to showcase the latest developments and innovations in the maritime sector. With DFSK Bangladesh’s participation, visitors can expect an exciting array of cutting-edge marine vehicles and advanced transportation solutions that cater to a wide range of needs.

The event is open to the public and offers a unique opportunity for attendees to explore DFSK Bangladesh’s impressive lineup of marine vehicles, interact with experts, and gain insights into the company’s vision for the future of maritime transportation in Bangladesh. For all brand car check the Car Price in BD article.

Date: 27, 28 and 29, July 2023
Time: (10:00 am to 8: pm).

Sabbir Hossain
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