Avail Of Great Offers On Tata Lpt 407 This Eid

Tata LPT 407 is a popular and affordable pickup. It now offers up to TK 1,50,000 cashback and an attractive deep freeze. If you want to see Tata car details you can check our Tata Car Price in Bangladesh article or for all brand car check the Car Price in Bangladesh article.

Avail Of Great Offers On Tata Lpt 407 This Eid

The Tata LPT 407 pickup has earned the trust of countless entrepreneurs due to its powerful engine, low maintenance cost and versatility. This pickup ensures the transportation of goods at 50℅ fewer costs. It is a reliable truck for a profitable business.

This popular pickup has-

1) Tata 4SP TCIC engine and 75 Horse Power / 225 Nm Torque.
– As a result, its repair costs are low and more fuel efficient

2) Has Tata GBS-27, 5-Speed Gear Box.
– Which is a kind of Synchromesh
– Strong and reliable

3) Tire size 6.50×16-16 PR

4) Turning circle diameter-10.2m
– Easy to handle as a result
– Easy driving on narrow roads

With the country’s largest service and spare parts network, Nitol Motors is always at your side.

Sabbir Hossain
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